Archives: Testimonials

Wes H. M.D. USA

I read the article in “T-Nation” re: your opinion of Crossfit. I appreciated your comment about how a back injury can be considered a “TUITION” into the school of proper spine mechanics! I had a good physical therapist who agreed with your ideas, & focused his exercises on spine stiffness. I try to respect the […]

D. B., San Francisco

Dr McGill, First off, I want to thank you for finding time in your busy schedule to see me. As I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you, I still feel compelled to mention that my appointment was far and away, both literally and figuratively, the most unique assessment I’ve ever had! The […]

Brian Carroll

Stu, Thanks again for all that you have done for me. If you EVER need anything, please let me know. I had a GREAT time with you, once again and learned so much. You are a very special person and I’m very blessed to say that not only have I met you, but I consider […]

Shannon Turley

Stu, I am doing remarkably better!  You were definitely right that my issues stem from postural weakness and poor movement habits.  I was great with my posture for the first several weeks and still constantly correct my old lazy habits.  The lumbair is amazing for me at work and I have recommended it to several […]

Steve Doherty

March 9th 2014 It was mid January 2013 when I was experiencing lower back pain shooting down my right leg and into my foot. I then attended several appointments with a chiropractor and massage therapist only to have the pain get worse. I then went to see two different physiotherapists for approximately four months two […]

Carmen Bott MSc CSCS FMS

Dr. McGill’s research and investigations around ‘low back pain sydromes’ has helped me troubleshoot dysfunction in many of the athletes and fitness enthusiasts I see. I began following his work in 2004 during my Master’s degree in Exercise Science and still use his methods today. As a Faculty member in the Department of Kinesiology at […]

Nick Clayton, MBA, MS, CSCS*D, NSCA-CPT, RSCC, USAW, Program Manager

On a personal note – I was diagnosed with a spondylolysis back in 2001 and was initially told I could never run, lift, play sports, etc – swimming and stretching was all I’d be able to do. I came across your articles and books – they taught me how to be strong, functional, and active. […]

Chad Waterbury

Prof Stuart McGill is the world’s foremost authority for using a movement-based approach to correct low back disorders. His principles are evidence-based and replete with clinical experience and wisdom. Whenever my clients have low back dysfunctions beyond my expertise, Dr McGill is the first person I call for help.

Pavel Tsatsouline, Chairman of Strongfirst

Back Mechanic by Prof. McGill is an instant classic. An incredibly detailed—yet free from medical jargon—manual for keeping your back strong and healthy. Plus a wealth of knowledge for athletes looking for a performance edge.

Dan – USA

Dr. McGill, I’ve had back problems since I was 12 years old. I threw the discus and shotput in high school and college and continued having back problems throughout my college career. I gave up the sport at 22 because the combination of track and graduate studies at XXX were too much. I continued to […]

Matt B. – USA

Dr. McGill, I just wanted to send you an email thanking you for doing the teleseminar with I have had your Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance Book now for about a year and looked forward to your teleseminar when I saw you were scheduled. I just finished listening to it and I feel that […]

Nathan M. – USA

Dear Stu, I just wanted to say thank you for changing my life. Radically. After 10 years of bad advice from drs and physical therapists, that quick visit with you gave me the power to build a truly strong back, a functionally strong body and freedom from the devastating pain that plagued my life for […]