About Professor Stuart McGill
Dr. Stuart M. McGill is a “distinguished professor emeritus”, University of Waterloo, where he was a professor for 30 years. His laboratory and experimental research clinic investigated issues related to the causal mechanisms of back pain, how to rehabilitate back-pained people and enhance both injury resilience and performance. His advice is often sought by governments, corporations, legal experts, medical groups and elite athletes and teams from around the world.
His work produced over 245 peer-reviewed scientific journal papers, several textbooks, and many international awards including the “Order of Canada” in 2020 for leadership in the back pain area. He mentored over 37 graduate students during this scientific journey.
During this time he taught thousands of clinicians and practitioners in professional development and continuing education courses around the world.
He continues as the Chief Scientific Officer for Backfitpro Inc. Difficult back cases, and elite performers, are regularly referred to him for consultation. Any product associated with this website has been tested in Dr. McGill’s laboratory.
When an “expert witness” is recruited for testimony in a legal case, the supporting lawyers present the credentials of the witness, which are examined by the court to assess the experts opinions. In this context, here are the credentials of Professor McGill:
Ph.D. (Kinesiology (Biomechanics))
University of Waterloo, 1986
M.Sc. (Kinanthropology (Biomechanics))
University of Ottawa, 1982
BPHE, University of Toronto, 1980
Research conducted:
40 years investigating how the spine works, pain mechanisms, rehabilitation approaches and restoration of athletic performance for back injured athletes (occupational and sport)
4 books
32 Book Chapters
248 Refereed scientific/medical journal papers
181 Refereed Conference papers
32 Technical consulting reports
21 Editorials
2020 – Order of Canada, Citation: A leading authority on the biomechanics of the spine, Professor Emeritus Stuart McGill is recognized as an innovator in the treatment of back pain. His investigations of injury and pain mechanisms together with developing clinical assessment techniques have influenced clinicians and athletes worldwide. As a consultant, he has provided invaluable input to a number of rehabilitation programs, sport and government organizations, and has been a mentor to many.
2018 – Lifetime Achievement Award, Society of Weight Training Injury Specialists
2017 – Licht Lecture, University of Minnesota School of Medicine.
2016 – Best fitness articles of 2016 in PTDC.com (Personal Trainers Development Centre). A Trainer’s Guide to Help Manage and Fix Lower Back Pain.
2016 – Basic Research Paper Award for 2015, Global Spine Journal, “Annulus Fibrosus Can Strip Hyaline Cartilage End Plate from Subchondral Bone: A Study of the Intervertebral Disk in Tension”
2016 – The 2016 Liberty Mutual Award, Top paper published in Ergonomics for the year “Can fitness and movement quality prevent back injury in elite task force police officers? A 5-year longitudinal study.”
2015 – Fellow: Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS)
2013 – Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision, University of Waterloo
2013 – Top Presentation Award (Sidorkewicz, Cambridge, McGill), Int Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine, Phoenix USA
2013 – Top Poster Presentation Ontario Kinesiology Association (Sidorkewicz, Cambridge, McGill)
2010 – Research Excellence Award, Ontario Kinesiology Association
2010 – Appointed “University Professor” at University of Waterloo- one of 14 active professors university-wide. “To recognize exceptional scholarly achievement and international pre-eminence of UW’s most accomplished faculty members.”
2009 – Appointed by the Minister of Health to form the College of Kinesiology for professional practice
2009 – Listed in Global Directory of Who’s Who
2009 – Best Presentation Award, International Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine, Miami, USA
2008 – President’s Award, Ontario Kinesiology Association
2008 – Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo
2007 – Awarded designation “Speaker of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada”
2005 – Outstanding Performance Award, University of Waterloo
2005 – R. Tait McKenzie Award, AAPHERD, USA
2004 – Elected Fellow, Canadian Society for Biomechanics
2004 – Career Award: Canadian Society for Biomechanics
2002 – “Richard W. Stow Visiting Lectureship”, Ohio State University College of Medicine, Department of Phys. Med. And Rehab.
2002 – “Presidents Circle Lecture for 2002”, University of Waterloo
2002 – Hallman Professorship – University of Waterloo
2002 – “Inaugural Professor”, Opened the first Masters in Physical Therapy Program in Portugal, Technical University of Lisbon.
2001 – “Steven Rose Lecturer”, Washington University School of Medicine, Program in Physical Therapy, St. Louis, U.S.A.
2001 – “President’s Lecturer”, American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, U.S.A.
2001 – Ontario Innovation Trust Award – for the “Live Fire Research Facility” P.I. Dr. E. Weckman, with Drs. A. Strong, D. Johnson, M. Sharratt, R. Hughson and S. McGill.
1998 – Wood Distinguished Visiting Lectureship in Joint Injury Research, Dept. of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary
1997 – EJ Wells Bequest Lecturer – University of Queensland, Australia
1989 – 3M Award for Presentation Excellence (top paper – Human Factors Association of Canada)
1988 – Listed in Canadian Who’s Who
1986 – Volvo Bioengineering Award for Low Back Pain Research (International Society for Study of the Lumbar Spine)
1986 – Waterloo Alumni Gold Medal (top graduating Ph.D. student, university-wide)
1986 – Julian Christensen Award for Ph.D. level ergonomics research (Human Factors Association of Canada)
1985-1986 – University of Waterloo Graduate Scholarship
1983-84/1984-85 – NSERC Postgraduate Scholarship
1983-84, 1984-85 – Ontario Graduate Scholarship
1982 – University of Waterloo Entrance Scholarship
1978-1979 – Alumni Prize, University of Toronto (top male student in class)
ScholarGPS celebrates Highly Ranked Scholars™ placing Professor McGill in the top 0.05% of all scholars worldwide.
Worldwide ranking: Lifetime |
Overall (All Fields) 5773 |
Allied Health 53 |
Kinesiology 8 |
Biomechanics 4 |
Lumbar vertebrae 6 |
Electromyography 8 |
Speaking engagements:
Keynote addresses = >75
Other invited addresses = 550 plus
190 to Scholarly societies and groups
290 to professional groups
70 to University groups
Self-initiated addresses = 150 plus

What People Say
“Professor McGill has produced a long history of good science. I use his advice when my athletes come with back pain that inhibits their performance.”
Andreas Ohgren, Trainer and coach of over 60 NHL players and other Olympic champions.
“I tried several traditional medicine approaches that did not help and then another golfer recommended Professor McGill and the Back Mechanic program. I am out of chronic back pain and back on Tour.”
Daniel Berger, PGA Tour
When I met with Dr. McGill after suffering a debilitating lower back injury (multiple herniated and bulge discs) I had gone from a two time national champ and silver medalist at IPF worlds to someone who could barely do anything without pain. I was worried that I’d have to retire from powerlifting entirely. Dr. McGill assured me that there was a path back to being pain free. He gave me an assessment and came up with an initial plan to build back my resilience. It was a very long road and there were numerous setbacks, but 7 years later I returned to IPF Worlds as a Masters lifter to win the overall gold medal, accomplishing a life long dream that I previously thought had escaped me.
Layne Norton ~ Gold medalist International Powerlifting Federation, 2022
As a Master Athlete competing internationally in the Sport of Long Drive Golf, my spine had to be managed strategically over the years.
I’ve invested a lifetime in research on Spine Performance, Longevity and Recovery. I’ve read every book, and been honored to not only teach these researched strategies, but LIVE them as an Internationally ranked athlete in my 60’s. Dr. McGill and the McGill Method is one of my greatest secrets! It simply works!
GOLF WEEK Magazine named Lee “the Legend of sport of Women’s Long Drive”
Lee Brandon ~ 3 Time World Long Drive Champion
‘It was a fight’: After battling life-threatening infection, Jeff Overton returns to Tour 5 years later Golf.com
After being on the PGA Tour from 2005 to 2017, I had a spine injection intended to help a herniated disc but instead led to a life-threatening infection and emergency surgery. After one failed rehab attempt I reached out to Dr. Stuart McGill, a renowned professor of spine biomechanics, and developed a plan to “shut down golf training for a year” and stabilize the area of his back that caused excruciating pain while bending over. Then I worked with trainer Shane Rye on building golf flexibility and endurance to re-establish my golf game. Jeff played his first PGA Tour start this past week (July 2022)
Jeff Overton ~ PGA Golf Professional
After 19 seasons in the NHL my body and back benefitted from Back Mechanic and Prof McGill’s approaches. I am back to enjoying life. Adam Oates, 1,079 career assists, over 19 seasons are the 8th most by a player in NHL history.
Adam Oates – NHL Hockey Player
I have been competing in the sport of Olympic Weightlifting for over twenty four years, I had three knee surgeries, multiple back injuries, and took a cocktail of pills for a decade starting in high school in order to compete. Almost ten years ago I learned of BackFitPro and changed the way I operated, eliminated all the pills, eliminated sit-ups and crunches and began rehabilitating myself with a focus on the core and glutes. These changes have resulted in winning championships, representing Team USA and currently having multiple American records in my mid 30s.
Derrick Johnson – President and Founder of The Kings of Weightlifting, Weightlifting Champion, American Record Holder
The book Back Mechanic completely altered the course of my athletic career, and inherently my life. Mondays are Jiu Jitsu days. Usually, on Monday nights, I would experience crippling post Jiu Jitsu back pain, and often have an incredibly difficult time sleeping. This pain would persist through Wednesday, which is another Jiu Jitsu day, thus leading to Thursday being even more horribly unbearable than Tuesday was. If I needed to do yard work on Saturday, I’d have shooting nerve pain down my leg on Sunday… which is another Jiu Jitsu day, that I would never be healthy enough to attend. The pain is gone. I have reclaimed my training. I’m doing crazier stuff now in BJJ than I’ve ever done.
Trav from Fightsmart.com
When I saw Professor McGill, I was feeling frustrated, defeated and burned out after having dealt with numerous rib fractures and little to no guidance or support. Not only did he help me tremendously in understanding proper mechanics and where my weak spots were, but he helped me continue to row pain free and elongate my career. He’s truly a game changer!
Taylor Ritzel, Olympic games Gold Medalist
I am excited to tell you I rode a horse today near Moran, WY. I wish I could truly express my emotions but can’t. I am most grateful for your help, and your book, Back Mechanic. Thank you again for helping me restore my health to as best as can be.
Rachel Kemner, Rancher
After many years of abusing my spine with aggressive weight lifting, my back pain started to become intolerable. All my attempts to successfully get out of pain were all short lived and futile in the end. As I was running out of options, I contacted Professor McGill. Stu was able to precisely figure out what was causing my pain, and helped me devise a long term strategic plan to stay out of pain and rebuild my training capacity. Truly resting my inner warrior to allow mother nature to do its healing was one of the most difficult things for me to hear, but it was true. Thank you Stu for all your wisdom and guidance.
David Laid, Fitness Personality
Professor McGill is a brilliant clinician. After a disc herniation and a year of pain and sciatica, he identified my issue and explained it in straightforward language. As an opera singer, my back, lungs and core are the keys to my vocal power and stamina. Professor McGill helped me to practice better mechanics both in singing and in life while also creating a training program. He helped get me back onstage, singing and moving freely and painlessly. I’ve recommended ‘Back Mechanic’ to singers, instrumentalists and coaches, too. Grazie, Professor!
Lucia Cesaroni, Opera Singer
The McGill Method has changed my life. I suffered with back pain for so long that I feared it would be a life sentence. I had stopped doing almost all the things that I loved. But Backfitpro gave me the tools and education to build a better version of myself. I’m back to being healthy, happy and pain-free for the first time in 30 years. I share the lessons with all my students. I can’t recommend the McGill Method enough. To me, it has been a miracle.
John David Emmett, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu black belt
Thanks for your guidance in getting me back to the CrossFit games. The exercises and spine hygiene you provided really were a game changer. I was able to compete 95% pain free which I thought was impossible a few months ago. We finished 5th in the world and I am certain this would not have been possible without your help. Thank you so much for your time and guidance, you really are the “back mechanic”.
Chloe Gauvin-David, Cross fit athlete
After seeing several back injury experts I was not making any progress for my back injury. Reading “Back Mechanic” by Professor Stuart McGill together with consulting with him I was able to get my pain free athleticism back.
Jillian Michaels, Fitness Celebrity
Dr. McGill was a beacon of light during a dark and difficult time of my career. I had just suffered my first serious injury and it was debilitating, taking away from my training and causing me constant pain. Dr McGill taught me techniques and principles to follow that I use every day and have improved my injury drastically. To the point now where it is almost non existent. I read his book “back mechanic“ and have since gifted it to several people, knowing how much it helped myself and my mother. I also use the lumbair in my car every time I drive. Stu is a special person with and a great brain and heart and I couldn’t be more grateful for his big help in healing and empowering me.
Mickey Gall, MMA athlete
For a long time I have been searching for an effective program on how to restore my back to a high level performance. I found the “Back Mechanic” and it immediately helped me to create a concrete program of what to do. Shortly after I sought out Professor McGill and he right away created for me a thorough plan of action. He is a top expert in the field and his work is now effectively guiding me to restore my full athleticism so that I once again can dance on a high level without limitations.
Denys Drozdyuk, 3-Time World Ballroom 10-Dance Champion and winner “So you think you can dance – Canada”
I reached out to Professor McGill when I had been injured over a year with daily pain, no answers, and many experiments done on my body at the local hospital that turned into more pain and more questions. I thought my life as an athlete was over forever. With Prof. McGill’s guidance I was helped immediately out of pain and I’ve recovered to the point where I’m now back to squatting and deadlifting well over 600lbs with no pain!
JP Price, Powerlifter and World Record Setter
After my back injury, I didn’t think I would ever be able to compete again. But because of Professor McGill and his guidance to rebuild training capacity, I am back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ~ C Meredith, Body builder
Cylina Meredith – Body builder
After a year of dealing with intermittent lower back pain, instability & weakness I made the pilgrimage from Newcastle, UK to Canada to see Dr McGill. The simplicity of the Back Mechanic process and Stu’s no nonsense approach is precisely what I needed. I’m back training, lifting & enjoying life pain free. Forever indebted. Thank you Stu.
Chris Williamson – Modern Wisdom Podcast
Stuart McGill is one of the most influential people I’ve ever met when it comes to my training. I still use and teach his methods years after learning them. Thanks to his teachings I went from disabling back pain to max effort and still have had zero issues with my back. This is amazing considering the amount of force going through my spine every time I jump. I recommend anyone who has back issues or who’s interested in learning more about the body to check him out. Amazing stuff!
Jordan Kilganon – professional basketball dunker
As a professional alpine ski-racer, and my back took some big knocks. Then I began to suffer from lower back pain when studying to become a psychologist. Sitting for hours at a time my pain increased despite following guidance from highly regarded back specialists in London, England. I was afraid I may need surgery, as had been suggested to me as a possible intervention should things not improve. Thankfully, I was introduced to the “Back Mechanic” by Stuart McGill. Seriously, it’s one of the best things that has happened to me in my life. Game changer, simple as that. Thanks Stuart for back hygiene that works.
John Moulder-Brown, Pro Ski racer
Being an athlete in 3 professional combat sports I have a long injury history but a back injury in 2016 was the worst. I saw many different physiotherapists and chiropractors. I did everything except rest. The minds a powerful tool and although I was in pain I managed to compete and continuously win even though I couldn’t walk upright properly. It wasn’t until my body finally had enough and for the first time I lost a professional fight. I sought out the best in the business Professor Stuart McGill feeling hopeful for the first time in years. Within 3 weeks the amount of pain subsided so much I couldn’t believe it – and I took another fight. I’m excited to make it back with dreams of making the UFC. I’m more than confident that with the help of Dr McGill I’ll make it! Update Dec 2022: Back in the Octogon, won 1st round TKO
Patrick Pitlik, Professional fighter
Dr. McGill is single-handedly the reason I am operational today. Stu walked me step by step from a severely herniated T12/L1 and L5/S1 where I could barely walk to literally having zero issues and being able to do more than I could even before the injury. I am now back to being fully operational and living life completely pain free! The best part is this is not a unique story for those that get the chance to work with Dr McGill!
United States Special Operator
Back Mechanic and Gift of Injury are as much about injury prevention and performance optimization as they are about rehabilitation. And they’re not just for athletes. The simple and effective methods provide immediate and permanent results for everyone experiencing pain. Dr. McGill and Brian Carroll are changing lives – mine included.
Stan Efferding, Worlds Strongest IFBB Pro Bodybuilder
About 6 years ago, my lower back was giving me such severe problems to the point where I wondered if I could still keep working. Then somebody told me about Back Mechanic by Stuart McGill. I read it and incorporated the exercises in that book and it helped me get over my lower back pain. Even today, before every workout, I still continue to do the exercises at a minimum 4-5 days per week. I can’t thank this book enough!
Phil Simms, Super Bowl XXI MVP, New York Giants
Dr McGills scientific work has proven instrumental in our movement preparation to improve performance, create more robust athletes, and so critical in the return-to-play portion of the rehabilitation process for back injured athletes. In fact my Guinness world record deadlift of 1001 lbs was competed after incurring disc injuries early in my career that I recovered from using his principals. Every athlete and coach needs to understand the foundational scientific approach McGill teaches.
Chris Duffin, Founder of Kabuki Strength and Record setting lifter
After injuring my back in 2013 I searched for the best doctors and info to help me get back in to fight shape. I spoke to many doctors, tried many methods and read tons of books. None of it really got me over the hump until I came across Dr. McGills books. Since then I have studied Dr. McGills writings and I’ve been fortunate enough to work him in person also. There is not a single person that would attribute my back relief to more than Dr. McGill. My back and core feel stronger and more resilient than ever before.
Matt “the Immortal” Brown, UFC veteran
I have used the teachings of professor McGill to assist top golfers to hit further for longer. His principles to enhance back fitness are well validated with the athlete careers he restores.
Chris Como, coach of PGA players such as Tiger Woods and many others
I can’t say enough positive things about what I have learned from Dr. McGill. For 10+ years I was injured and broken from a back injury. This set back my training and put my life on hold. I could not lift do any heavy activity. I thought I was done. After meeting Dr. McGill and applying his approaches I was able to re-build my back and get back to competitive PowerLifting which I was told was impossible. So much for that. I have competed for Team Canada 9 times, set a National Squat Record, A CommonWealth deadlift record and won 2 Worlds Medals (in squat and deadlift). Three medals at the world masters games in South Africa, October, 2019All of this after hurting my back. UPDATE: 2022 World Champion! Int. Powerlifting Federation, 2022 – Rob King, Canada
Rob King ~ Competitive PowerLifter
As a pro tennis player, back pain was ending my career. I was told I needed surgery. Professor Stuart McGill and his book Back Mechanic got me back to functioning at 100%, his method is truly a miracle. After meeting with Dr. McGill and starting my rehab following his method, I quickly felt an improvement with my pain symptoms as my core became stronger and my spine more protected. He also taught me new biomechanics for my back to get rid of the fragile feeling and my pain. And I was able to return to tennis competition, something I couldn’t dream of happening! He had no doubts in my successful recovery and made me believe in it too! Forever grateful.
Elena Bovina ~ Pro tennis player
After being the first to pull a 1000 pound deadlift I found myself struggling after some back and health issues. The pain caused me to loose hip and back power. Stuart McGill and his books showed me the way to rebuild a foundation to train then unleash my hips to regain training ability. I am grateful – thank you.
Andy Bolton ~ First man to deadlift 1000 pounds, UK
Just wanted to say a big Thank You! After following your advice from when I came and visited you I am now in no pain and able to train consistently and under full loads. It was tough taking nearly a year off the bike but ultimately very worth it. This year at the age of 45 I set life time best’s in the 200m TT and won both the British and US Masters national 45 plus match sprint titles.
Coach Lee Povey ~ Masters cycling champion (UK and USA), world record holder
After seeing Prof McGill my back has been excellent. His advice, my continuing the Big 3 core exercises, and using the auto mechanic’s stool for my desk have brought about a profound change in my comfort and ability to resume the things I love to do, like hike, ski, and write for long hours. Advice on recuperating from my lower back surgery was also invaluable. From not being able to walk more than ten minutes without numbness in my right quad (and having to stop and find a convenient rock or bench to hang from), I’ve gone to hiking more than six hours at a stretch while carrying a 25-pound hunting pack and climbing and descending a thousand meters. I’m thrilled. Thank you! Thank you! I’ve been recommending Back Mechanic left and right. (Photo by Heather Erson)
Ted Kerasote, Wyoming, USA (Author of some of my favourite books)
I returned yesterday from a five day back packing trip in the Grand Canyon — 40 pound pack, from the rim to the river and back up (2000 meters) and many kilometers in between. Last year at this time I could not walk 20 meters without stopping because of the pain. I don’t believe in miracles but this sure feels like one. Thank you Professor McGill for your career work that changed my world and for your willingness to see me notwithstanding my original freeze at the starting gate. This was a most unusual kindness and act of grace.
D Duncan, Arizona, USA
To Brian Carroll and Professor McGill
I wanted to send you this video to thank you. Having worked with yourself and Brian and implementing the ideas and principles that you instilled in my training and coaching, has absolutely changed my life. Here I am log clean and pressing 300 pounds after starting “Back Mechanic” and “10/20 life”, 21 months ago.. after being told I would never overcome my devastating back injury. Thank you for everything.
Michael De La Pava ~ Strongman competitor and Owner The Battle Axe Gym, Florida
Thank You Dr Ed Cambridge (McGill Method Master Clinician). This last weekend Ethan punched his ticket as a ND state champion. We want to thank you for your professionalism and very kind and generous heart, you gave up and above what any Doctor would have given. My wife and I along with Ethan want to thank you for a job well done. Shawn Bowman
Ethan Bowman, North Dakota State Champion wrestler
This week I won 75+ age division at the World Masters Squash competition. This would not have been possible if I hadn’t had the good fortune of encountering Dr Stuart McGill. Having previously broken my back twice, I had reached a stage of desperation characterized by constant pain, utter fatigue, inability to sleep and an almost total loss of quality of life. Visits to GP’s, specialists, chiropractors and physiotherapists were not helping and actually making my symptoms worse. Opioids and surgery were on my horizon (when faced with constant pain, you are willing to try anything). At that point, I was able to get an appointment with Stuart McGill, a renowned lower back expert at the University of Waterloo who was treating professional athletes for various types of serious back issues. The rest is history. I went from someone who couldn’t sleep, couldn’t walk, couldn’t smile, and who couldn’t think of anything other than pain to someone who began to walk again, smile again, bicycle again and, unbelievably, to start playing squash again. So this first thank you is to you, Stu, for your dedication to science and for making me whole again. As you know, I have since become a McGill disciple whenever I see or hear of someone with lower back pain.
Howard M. Armitage ~ World champion
First I want to say thank you for sharing your story in your book Gift of Injury. I was in Texas a few months ago, and Ed Coan told me to read your book. It has given me a new outlook and helped me get back on track. On top of being a powerlifter, I am a 22 year still serving Army Ranger that has been jumping out of planes since 1996. My spine has endured a lot of impacts. In the last few years, I have slowly gotten worse and got to the point of giving in to the medical professional of looking at getting cut or even being medically boarded out of the Army. I was looking for answers and solutions, and none was there but ones that make me live a life that was not what I wanted. Eight months of Physical Therapy with direct attention from the doctor did nothing. Following your plan, o vernight my pain was put in check, reduced immensely, my back felt relaxed and not like I was one move away from getting a major surgery. Life feels better once again. I am religious about doing my Big 3 twice daily and getting my walks in. I started lifting again and has got back on track after taking months off. I thank you (ed: Brian Carroll) and Dr. McGill for this. C.D.
US Army Ranger, 2018
Cathryn Jakobson Ramin, in her back pain industry expose book “Crooked”, calls Professor McGill a “Back Whisperer” with his approaches proved to help so many.
Cathryn Jakobson Ramin / American journalist, investigative reporter, and author.
I had low back problems affecting my ability to work and enjoy life. Then I found Stuart McGill and his book Back Mechanic. I was guided on things to do (and not do) and my pain is gone. Professor McGill just makes sense. And he backs it up with science not guess work. I’m giving him and his book Back Mechanic the highest recommendation.
Ed O’Neill
Dr. Stuart McGill has performed more ground-breaking research than anyone else. His 350+ published studies on back pain and enhancing performance has revolutionized the fitness industry on how we train the core and create top level performance. His books and programs have been life changing for me, my athletes and anyone I share his information with. And it will be life changing for you as well!