Archives: Testimonials

S.T. – USA

Stu, I am doing remarkably better!  You were definitely right that my issues stem from postural weakness and poor movement habits.  I was great with my posture for the first several weeks and still constantly correct my old lazy habits.  The lumbair is amazing for me at work and I have recommended it to several […]

Samantha W. – California

My husband and I had the pleasure of meeting you and attending your 2 lectures and 2 labs in Long Beach at the Perform Better Summit recently and I just wanted to thank you for your wonderful work in our fields. I am a physical therapist and my husband is a personal trainer and registered dietician […]

Dr Phil. H.

Good morning Dr. McGill, Keep up the great work. It makes a huge difference with this airbase.

Dr. Steve G. – Canada

Hi Dr. McGill, I trust that this e-mail finds you well.  You assessed my wife just a little over a year ago for a back injury she sustained while out of country with subsequent MRI upon our return to Canada revealing a L5-S1 disc protrusion.  You were kind enough to find time in your busy […]

Dr. Eric L. – Spain

Dear Stu, I’ve developed a habit of listening to podcasts on my daily drive to work, and I’ve been listening to your interview with Bret Contreras. First I have to commend you on your patience in sticking it out for 3 hours, but I really want to thank you and congratulate you for your fantastic […]

C. G. – Ontario

Stu, Thanks so much for helping me with my lifts, studies and every day life I truly enjoyed your class and think I became a better kinesiologist because of it. The shapes technique was brilliant. I can’t thank you enough for the tip. Cheers,

Adam N. – Chicago

Doc, I know I owe you a lot for as much help as you’ve given some random shmuck with back pain. I am sure I am one of thousands who contact you. I just wanted to say thank you for all the attention that you’ve given me that I certainly didn’t deserve. It’s been a […]

Kevin G. – USA

Stu, I can’t thank you enough for taking the time to evaluate me.  I’m overwhelmed by your generosity and knowledge. Best,

Eric B. – Ontario

Dear Stu, A few years ago I’d have been content being the run of the mill physiotherapist/personal trainer. Thanks to you and my other mentors in the field I know that I can aspire to more than that. Thank you. You don’t know how much of a difference you’ve made in my life. Sincerely,

Dr Keith S. – USA

Dr. McGill, Thank you for the seminar this past weekend.  Reading textbooks and watching videos is not the same as hands on to capture your gifts.  Warmest regards,

Mark S. DC, Canada

Thanks again Stu for an inspiring weekend, as I said to you on Saturday you still have plenty of fire in the belly!!! .I really appreciate your fire and dedication as well as all the sacrifices that you have made for humanity, you are a rock star  Stu, Thanks. Thanks Again!!

Dr. M. USA

Just a quick note to let you know that I have totally improved, and following your basic exercises, plus the help of the epidural, has allowed me to walk normally again for 3/4 mile to a mile. I have no discomfort, have been able to do surgery and see patients,  feel centered, and this morning […]