Archives: Testimonials

Mickey Gall, MMA athlete

Dr. McGill was a beacon of light during a dark and difficult time of my career. I had just suffered my first serious injury and it was debilitating, taking away from my training and causing me constant pain. Dr McGill taught me techniques and principles to follow that I use every day and have improved […]

Testimonials for Eric Wood-Salomon ~ McGill Method Certified Practitioner

“In 2017 I suffered a severe low back injury at work as a firefighter.  I initially dealt with therapists who prescribed exercises which aggrivated my pain and I realized that their approach was not helping me. My wife found Eric and booked me an appointment.  Right from the start Eric took a much better approach […]

Testimonials for Sarah McGill ~ McGill Method Certified Practitioner

“After over two years of consistent lower back pain, diagnosed as piriformis syndrome, visits to the doctor and a physiotherapist I finally decided I had to do something different. The final catalyst was while at the gym, I was unable to do a relatively benign leg lift, without excruciating pain in my lower back. I […]

JP Price, Powerlifter and World Record Setter

I reached out to Professor McGill when I had been injured over a year with daily pain, no answers, and many experiments done on my body at the local hospital that turned into more pain and more questions.  I thought my life as an athlete was over forever.  With Prof. McGill’s guidance I was helped […]

Testimonials for Daniel Hudon

Having a severe lower back pain I looked for a specialist who is familiar with Stuart McGill’s approach. I was lucky to find Dr. Hudon clinic close to Montreal. The assessment took 4 hours, which was equivalent to 8 normal physiotherapist visits. I left Dr. Hudon office with clear understanding and written instructions on how […]

Testimonials for Andy Marlow ~ McGill Method Certified Practitioner

“For the first time in almost 7 years I am back pain free and feel confident that I am doing the “right” workout. Andy has tremendous knowledge about the human body and especially the spine. I always thought I could do it myself but working with Andy showed me all the subtle mistakes I did […]

Cylina Meredith – Body builder

After my back injury, I didn’t think I would ever be able to compete again. But because of Professor McGill and his guidance to rebuild training capacity, I am back. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! ~ C Meredith, Body builder

Chris Williamson – Modern Wisdom Podcast

After a year of dealing with intermittent lower back pain, instability & weakness I made the pilgrimage from Newcastle, UK to Canada to see Dr McGill. The simplicity of the Back Mechanic process and Stu’s no nonsense approach is precisely what I needed. I’m back training, lifting & enjoying life pain free. Forever indebted. Thank […]

Jordan Kilganon – professional basketball dunker

Stuart McGill is one of the most influential people I’ve ever met when it comes to my training. I still use and teach his methods years after learning them. Thanks to his teachings I went from disabling back pain to max effort and still have had zero issues with my back. This is amazing considering […]

Testimonials for Keith Isabey

“I have been dealing with chronic back pain for the last eight years. I’ve seen countless clinicians, physios, chiros and massage therapists. I have had IMS, Prolo injections and PRP injections. Some treatments gave me short lived relief but never lasting. During my search I ordered the Back Mechanic. After I finished the book I […]

Testimonials for Dr. Clayton Skaggs

“It’s been a long while since I’ve had not just hope, but results. Experiencing is believing, and CIHP + Stuart McGill are the ones who have gifted me both and are guiding me back into the fullness of my life.” -Tyler Friedrich, Nebraska —————————— “I was a life long amateur athlete who never really trained. […]